HomeGENERAL KNOWLEDGEAir Duct Cleaning – What to Do if your Home Smells like...

Air Duct Cleaning – What to Do if your Home Smells like Mold

Introduction Air Duct Cleaning: Have you ever noticed the symptoms of mold in your home? If yes, then you are not alone. Mold is a common problem in homes and can cause unpleasant odors. However, there are steps you can take to clean your air ducts and reduce the risk of mold growth.

What is Mold 

Mold is a type of fungus that can grow in wet areas and damage materials. It usually grows on surfaces with low water activity such as textiles, paper, cardboard, leather and other organic materials. However, this is more than an annoyance. Certain types of molds produce mycotoxins that affect human health.

 Mold reproduces by spores, which are carried through the air to land on other surfaces. Mold can grow anywhere there is moisture and a food source (such as dead leaves).

What Does Mold In Air Ducts Smell Like

Mold can be found in many places, including your home’s air ducts. If you notice a musty odor coming from your vents, it is likely that mold has grown in the ducts and is now emitting a foul smell.

The following are some telltale signs that mold may be growing in your air ducts:

– Moldy or musty odor coming from vents

– Mold on walls or floors near the vents

– Condensation on walls or floors near the vents

– Musty smell coming from other parts of the house

How to Avoid Mold in Your Home.


If your home smells like mold, air ducts are likely being cleaned for the first time. Cleaning air ducts can help to remove harmful molds and gases from your home, making it smell clean and fresh. Many people find that this process is simple and quick – follow these steps:

1. Open all vents in your house and let the room reach temperature before beginning.

2. Pour a pot of boiling water onto the floor near each vent and wait until it boils.

3. Turn on the faucet and turn off the heat source.

4. Place a plastic filter over each opening in the ductWORKS (or use a paper one if you don’t have metal filters).

5. Wait 10 minutes for the water to cool before cleaning the air ducts of molds and gases. Be sure to rinse everything afterward with soap and water!

6. If you experience unusual or persistent problems with your home’s odor after following these steps, please get in touch with a professional environmental consultant for assistance!

How to Clean Your Air Conditioning Unit

It is essential to clean your air conditioning unit to avoid any problems. It is an easy process that you can do on your own.

To start, you will first want to disconnect the power cord and all of the electrical lines from the unit. Next, remove all of the outdoor panels on your team and remove any debris clogging up the inside. 

You will also want to clean out all of the coils in your unit with a vacuum cleaner. Then, use a garden hose to spray down all the rings and other parts of your air conditioning system before reconnecting everything and turning it back on.

Clean Your Evaporator Coil

Evaporator coils are essential to the cooling process. They are located in the back of your refrigerator, taking the heat from inside the fridge and releasing it outside.

The evaporator coil is a copper tube wrapped with a refrigerant like Freon. The refrigerant absorbs heat from inside your fridge, turning it into a liquid, flowing through the copper tubes, and releasing heat outside. If there is an air leak in your evaporator coil, then your refrigerator will not work correctly because it will not be able to cool properly.

The evaporator coil is an essential part of your air conditioner because it is the one that cools the air.

It is essential to clean your evaporator coil at least once a year, but you should also clean it if you notice any of these symptoms:

– You hear a loud noise coming from the outside or inside your home.

– Your air conditioner has been running for a long time but needs to be cooled.

– Your home smells like something is burning.

The first step to cleaning your evaporator coil is to shut off power to the unit at both ends of the power supply cord before you do anything else. Next, you want to remove any objects from around or on top of it that may fall onto it when you can or move it for cleaning purposes. Finally, you want to disconnect all wires connecting the unit to other appliances or devices nearby by removing any screws.

Cleaning or Replacing Your Air Filter 

A clean filter is essential to the health of your HVAC system. A dirty filter can cause your system to work harder and use more energy.

A dirty air filter can cause your furnace to work harder, use more energy, and produce more dust. A clean air filter will save you money on heating and cooling costs.

If your air filter is over 12 months old, it may be time for a replacement. You should also replace your filter if you have pets or live in a dusty area. If you are unsure when to replace your filter, contact an HVAC professional.

Step 1: Turn off the power to the unit and disconnect it from the power source.

Step 2: Remove the air filter cover by removing the screws and lifting it.

Step 3: Vacuum off any debris from the inside of the unit with a small vacuum cleaner or compressed air.

Step 4: Vacuum off any debris from outside of the unit as well, including any leaves or other debris that have accumulated around it.

Step 5: Inspect for damage to fan blades and replace them as necessary.

Step 6: Replace the filter cover by reversing steps 1-3 above and reconnecting the power source to the unit.

Should You Hire Professionals to Clean Your Vents?

Proper ventilation is essential to the health of your home. It helps to keep your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter by circulating air throughout. Your home’s air ducts are a vital part of this process and need to be cleaned periodically.

Many homeowners think they can clean their vents, but this is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. When you clean your vents, you risk contaminating them with bacteria and other harmful substances that could lead to serious health problems for you and your family.

If you want to keep your home safe from airborne contaminants, it’s best to hire trained professionals for this kind of work. These professionals will know exactly how to handle potentially hazardous materials in your vents without risking anyone’s safety or well-being.


By following these tips, you can help prevent mold from growing in your home and get rid of it quickly. If there is a problem with your air duct, please contact a professional to solve the problem. Clean the air duct with a mildew remover and repair it with a mildew remover. Finally, make sure to dispose of all affected materials properly.


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